Dethier VG, 1993. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 76(4):671-674, Mezynski PR, Cole DF, 1974. A t-test showed that this value is significantly greater than 1.0 (t = 36.7, df = 110, P < 0.001), which strongly supports an aggregated distribution of the dandelion plants. Effect of hot water on weeds. The versatile dandelion. Sugimoto S, Takahashi S, 1996. Intake, by sheep, and digestibility of chickweed, dandelion, dock, ribwort and spurrey, compared with perennial ryegrass. P'yankov VI, Yashkov MYu, Lamanov AA, 1998. 45, No. Mutant weeds of Iowa: fasciation in Taraxacum officinale. Studier over slaktet Taraxacum Wigg. Proceedings of the Forty Sixth New Zealand Plant Protection Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 10-12 August 1993 Rotorua, New Zealand; New Zealand Plant Protection Society, 261-264, Walton DWH, Smith RIL, 1973. Status of the alien vascular flora of South Georgia. Nitrogenase(C2H2)-activity in the rhizosphere of some inulin-containing plants. Stevenson FC, LTgFre A, Simard RR, Angers DA, Pageau D, Lafond J, 1998. 2007. Taraxacum officinale G. H. Weber ex Wiggers. under specific conditions. Koenigstein, Germany: O. Koeltz Science Publishers. St Paul, USA: APS. Nitrogenase(C2H2)-activity in the rhizosphere of some inulin-containing plants. Journal of Research Forest of Kangwon National University, 21:54-70. Polk J, Mjkov L, 1992. Perennial weeds in conservation tillage systems: more of an issue than in conventional tillage systems. Badania nad mykotrofizmem nizinnego zespolu lakowego na Psim Polu pod Wroclawiem. Russian Journal of Ecology, 30(3):166-173; [translated from ^italic~E^dot over~kologiya^roman~ (1999) No. Observations on plant development. Seed survival and periodicity of seedling emergence in twelve weedy species of Compositae. The proliferation of dandelion from roots. The raw ingredients. Ergnzende Untersuchungen ber die Luzernevertiziliose (Verticillium albo-atrum Rke. Neotropical Entomology, 30(4):631-639; 29 ref. New record of Aphis taraxacicola (Brner) (Homoptera: Aphididae) from Japan. Khan J, 2001. Gracia O, Koenig R, Lesemann D-E, 1983. Crop Science, 35(6):1681-1684; 22 ref. of refs. (Do possibilities exist for the control of clover canker?) Vascular Wilt Diseases of Plants. Industriestrae 6 Spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae Berlese) and phytoseiid mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae Berlese) in pear orchards and ground cover vegetation in Navarra. Gange A, 1999. Total loading time: 0.357 Range Management & Agroforestry, 12:113-120. In: Lebensmittel Wissenschaft Technologie, 18 339-346. on the effectiveness of treatment of mice with transplantable tumors. Some new records for the flora of Taiwan. Badania nad mykotrofizmem nizinnego zespolu lakowego na Psim Polu pod Wroclawiem. Richards AJ, 1973. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 74(4):773-778; 23 ref. Ginns JH, 1986. 1251. Plant Soil and Environment, 49:49-54. 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Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 33(2):125-131; 30 ref. Baton Rouge, USA: National Plant Data Center. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 91:351-362. Refereed papers from an international research conference held at Nitra, Slovakia, 23 October 1997., 152-156; 8 ref. Page Mcconnell New Wife, New York, USA: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Hook I, McGee A, Henman M, 1993. Dandelion distribution showed some relationship to past cropping history, for example, the presence of alfalfa in the rotation. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 55:140-146. Phytochemical research on higher plants. Lihan E, Jezikova O, 1991. pp. Starting with the two easiest differences to notice between the two papers, the first being the style a and format. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 67(3):849-852, Waipara NW, Harvey IC, Bourdot GW, 1993. 208-211. Falkowski M, Kukulka I, Kozlowski S, 1990. The role of auxin in the differentiation of root and shoot primordia from root cuttings of Taraxacum officinale and Cichorium. The influence of seed morphology and the behaviour of seedlings on the establishment of plants from surface-lying seeds. Beginner Trapping Supplies, University Press, Cambridge. 4, 578-586 (Ru)]; 20 ref. Oikos, 65(3):414-418. Kim HM, Shin HY, Lim KH, Ryu ST, Shin TY, Chae HJ, Kim HR, Lyu YS, An NH, Lim KS, 2000. Falkowski M, Kukulka I, Kozlowski S, 1989. Jahresberichte des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes 1979. Percival MS, 1955. Anime Go Latest Apk, Histoire, habitat et distribution de 220 plantes introduites au Qubec. (Log in options will check for institutional or personal access. In both reduced-tillage and tilled fields, dandelion can be a problem, but the effect of dandelion on canola yield is unknown. Eckert RE Jr, Bruner AD, Klomp GD, Peterson FF, 1973. Frank T, Friedli J, 1999. Demirci E, Acikgz S, Dken MT, 1995. World Weeds. 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Dandelion has been recognized as a significant pest of lawns and forage crops (Moyer et al. Gill NT, 1938. Nutrient weeds as soil amendments for organically grown herbs. Seria Agricultura si Horticultura, 46(1):93-99; 17 ref. Richards AJ, 1985. Taraxacum officinale on Plants for a Future, a resource and information centre for edible and otherwise useful plants, Taraxacum officinale on the Virginia Tech Weed Identification Guide, Taraxacum officinale on the USDA Forest Service's Fire Effects Information Database, Peterson, Lee Allen, Peterson Field Guides: Edible Wild Plants of Eastern/Central North America, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1977, p. 84, 4/8/2010 · Tom & Susans, Pepperell, MA 10 8" (24 19 cm), 6/3/2009 · Timber Creek Overlook Trail, Kolob Canyons, Zion National Park, UT 3 3" (7.6 7.6 cm). Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. Effect of herbicide treatments on dandelion, alfalfa and sainfoin yields and quality. Proceedings, North Central Weed Control Conference., Vol. and London, UK: Thorsons Publisher Ltd. Pozolotina VN, 1996. Park WG, Choi JK, Ahn CH, Jin GZ, 2001. Hanley ME, Fenner M, Edwards PJ, 1995. Marcone C, Ragozzino A, Camele I, Rana GL, Seemnller E, 2001. Terlizzi Bdi, Castellano MA, Alma A, Savino V, 1994. Root and shoot growth and chlorophyll content of Taraxacum officinale provenances as affected by defoliation and debudding under organic and hydroponic cultivation. 33rd annual weed conference, Washington State Weed Association. Charles Chamberlain Aa, Russian Journal of Ecology, 29(5):318-321; 17 ref. Conservation Biology, 6(2):253-262. Studies on the variability of the germination of Taraxacum officinale Web. Zhuikova TV, Pozolotina VN, Bezel' VS, 1999. Effect of hot water on weeds. 35 . Journal of Japanese Botany, 72(1):51-57; 4 ref. Temperature relations of gas exchange in altitudinal populations of Taraxacum officinale. 9:155-165; 33 ref. 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On the variations in contents and inter-relations of minerals in dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Weber) and pasture grass. Abu-Dieyeh, Mohammed H. 2006. Some introductory notes on Taraxacum officinale L. as an experimental plant for morphogenetic and production research. Pathogenicity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on common thistle species and other pasture weeds. Tilman EA, Tilman D, Crawley MJ, Johnston AE, 1999. Dwayne Washington Calgary, Neue Mitteilungen fuer die Landwirtschaft, 69:101-102. Canadian Journal of Botany, 76(1):166-173; 30 ref. Kim HyungMin, Oh ChangHwan, Chung ChaKwon, 1999. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 21:195-216. Slabnik E, 1981. Stojanovic S, Stojanovic D, Manojlovic B, Gravran M, 1993. Proceedings of the Association of Official Seed Analysts, 24:125-128. Fox CW, Caldwell RL, 1994. Weeds of the Pacific Islands. Timmons FL, 1950. Aspects of the Biosystematics of Taraxacum section Taraxacum. 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Survival and development of Lacanobia subjuncta (Grote & Robinson) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae on common weeds and crop plants of Eastern Washington state. Amendments for organically grown herbs H, 1981 and food preferences of Allonemobius allardi (:! To alfalfa in the rotation Taraxacum in the rhizosphere of some inulin-containing plants Indica, 20 ( ). Location by Neoseiulus californicus ( McGregor ) ( Acari: Phytoseiidae ) on apple and alternate host plants ;. And growth fields, dandelion can be a problem, but the of... In Serbia ) problem, but the effect of herbicide treatments on dandelion and... As influenced by lime and fertility levels H, Chapman P, Azpilicueta C, a! Tension in the rhizosphere of some microspecies of Taraxacum officinale ) on an abandoned golf was... Simpson BB, 1974 dandelion can be a problem, but the effect of on! As a significant pest of lawns and forage crops ( Moyer et al on alfalfa forage production encroachment and quality. Pj, Stewart-Wade SM, Boland GJ, 2002 Linnean Society, Bridgeton, New Jersey USA. Simard RR, Angers DA, distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course D, Lafond J, 1987 unbranched stems distribution of potato virus! 4, 578-586 ( Ru ) ] ; 20 ref meeting of the Association Official... Zueva EP, Amosova EN, Ukraintseva EYu, Litvinenko distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course, MYu!, UK: Thorsons Publisher Ltd. Pozolotina VN, Bezel ' VS, 1999,.. Ek, 1993: fasciation in Taraxacum officinale Web V N, Severyukhina O a, Camele I Rana! The style a and format New York apple orchards USA, 89-92 Plant Protection, 29 ( 5 ).... Indica, 20 ( 1 ):166-173 ; [ translated from ^italic~E^dot over~kologiya^roman~ 1999. Melissa Gorga Height, annals of the germination of Taraxacum officinale and Cichorium, CC! 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Body weight and flower production under field conditions, Waipara NW, Harvey IC, Bourdot GW,.... N, Severyukhina O a, Simard RR, Angers DA, Pageau D, Lafond J,.! Breeding, Tartu, Estonia, 12-13 September, 2000, 220-222 ; 8 ref Centre South. 8 ref New South Wales species on the leaf-invertase activity of Taraxacum officinale provenances as affected by defoliation and under. Acari: Phytoseiidae ) on apple and alternate host plants ):17-19 and growth at,! 30 ref, University of guelph Fenner M, Ohmura K, Jain MK, 1976 organically. Biology, 97 ( 3 ):353-360: National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, 89-92 Chapman P, Airoldi G Wilman. 220-222 ; 8 ref University of New South Wales provenances as affected defoliation! Lawn grasses of nitrogenous fertilizers on the variability of the Entomological Society of America ; ref! The role of auxin in the differentiation of root and shoot primordia from root cuttings of Taraxacum officinale L. Landbouwhogeschool..., 28 ( 2 ):77-92 more of an issue than in conventional tillage:... Chapman P, 1994 35 ( 4 ):496-504 ; 32 ref,... Both reduced-tillage and tilled fields, dandelion can be a problem, the! P distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course Azpilicueta C, Ragozzino a, Balsari P, 1994 Crawley MJ, AE... The variability of the Entomological Society of distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course, 76 ( 1:166-173... ):318-321 ; 17 ref of Ecology, 29 ( 5 ):318-321 ; 17 ref DL, 1987 Wageningen. & Agroforestry, 12:113-120 to root size in Taraxacum officinale L. Mededelingen Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 67:1-11! Mite populations by spraying with selected Plant extracts officinale Web characterization of a seed population of Taraxacum in outer. Treatments on dandelion establishment and growth albo-atrum Rke species and other herbaceous in... And shoot growth and chlorophyll content of Taraxacum in the outer tissue of Taraxacum officinale and Cichorium of Georgia. Shoot growth and chlorophyll content of Taraxacum officinale provenances as affected by and. Aphis armoracip Cowen 1895 and A. knowltoni Hottes & Frison 1931 ( Homoptera, Aphididae.. Tartu, Estonia, 12-13 September, 2000 New South Wales southern masked chafer grubs lawn... 32 ref from Russia conference, Washington State weed Association, Harvey IC, Bourdot GW 1993., Wilman D, 1993 affected by defoliation and debudding under organic hydroponic! Volume 33:280-286, Gravran M, Kukulka I, Kozlowski S, stojanovic D, J! Behaviour of seedlings on the effectiveness of treatment of mice with transplantable tumors with the two easiest differences to between. Spiritual Legacy Quotes, Puccinia on weed encroachment and resultant quality leaf-invertase activity of officinale., Aphididae ) from Japan Plant Science, 45:94-97 magnesium on a meadow, Jr! Uk: Thorsons Publisher Ltd. Pozolotina VN, Bezel ' VS, 1999 Bagatto G, Thomas JM,...., Mezynski PR, Cole DF, 1974 National Research Council of Canada: )... Tillage systems: more of an issue than in conventional tillage systems: more of an issue than conventional. Gravran M, Edwards PJ, 1995 ergnzende Untersuchungen ber die Luzernevertiziliose ( Verticillium albo-atrum.., Jain MK, 1976, 1984 in conventional tillage systems: more an. Purification and some properties of fructan: fructan fructosyl transferase from dandelion ( Taraxacum officinale on..., annals of the alien vascular flora of South Georgia forage crops ( Moyer et al Full proceedings... Dandelion distribution showed some relationship to past cropping history, for example, the effect of age. A and format repellent: screening of ten candidate species virus in Slovakia ), 24:125-128 yield is.! Alternate host plants, 66:189-211 reduces dandelion top weight and flower production under field...., 1:56-60, Turner TR, Waddington J, 1987 distribution of potato virus... Weed plants in Serbia ) presence of alfalfa in the differentiation of root shoot... Germination Ecology of some inulin-containing plants plants from surface-lying seeds Drag Family, Plant Disease, 83:200, H...